Caledonia Investments Charitable Foundation

Description: The Caledonia Investments Charitable Foundation aims to support community projects in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly which address the interrelated issues of financial planning, debt management and the financial education of adults and children.

Type: Project costs

Status: Open

Maximum: The grants range from £5000 - £20,000

Opening: 07/08/2024

Deadline: 20/09/2024

Notes: The panel will be reviewing applications in early November

We expect your project to address one of the following themes:

  1.  Early intervention: Projects working with a wide community of at-risk individuals and families in the early stages of managing debt, that teach basic financial skills as part of a broader package of support.
  2. Preventative: Projects working with individuals or families identified as being at particular risk of financial adversity with support given through education, training and awareness-raising.
  3. Alleviation: Projects working to provide information, advice and guidance for those already experiencing ongoing financial distress.

As part of your application, we expect to see details of measurable and tangible outcomes that you expect will arise from this investment. These could include, but are not limited to:

  • The numbers of individuals in current financial distress you expect to support through debt management plans or other formal debt advice programmes.
  • How your project will help to improve your clients’ mental health and how you will measure these changes.
  • How your project will help families to improve their understanding of basic budgeting practices and their confidence in financial issues, and how this will be measured.

As part of the grant assessment process, we will seek to understand how your project will continue and grow beyond the life of any successful grant investment.

The expected grant investment available under this strand is anticipated to be in the range of £5,000 to £20,000, although higher or lower awards are available depending on the circumstances. Please note funding will usually be available for one year.

Where funds are being requested towards debt advice CCF must receive confirmation of regulation by the Financial Conduct Authority.


Generic Guidelines: Visit the website here