Urgent appeal: Cornwall's Housing Action Fund

About Us

The Cornwall Community Foundation supports communities in Cornwall and The Isles of Scilly by providing small grants to grassroots projects, initiatives, and groups that are making a positive impact in their local areas, seeking to address challenges of exclusion and inequality for people of all ages.

In 1999 a group of philanthropists established the Cornwall Independent Trust, with the aim of supporting individuals in the community who were striving to find self-reliance, and funding philanthropic opportunities for their benefit in Cornwall and The Isles of Scilly. In 2003 the Trust evolved into the Cornwall Community Foundation (CCF), committed to carrying out this work and enabling progress through grant-making that is fair and responsive; promoting diversity and inclusion. CCF have distributed over £20m to the community over 21 years, reaching more than 8,000 groups in Cornwall and The Isles of Scilly.

As a foundation, we have the responsibility and privilege of working to address the root causes of the issues faced by communities and individuals, in order to make a lasting impact on their lives. We understand the importance of funding to support grassroots projects, initiatives, and groups – making a real difference to the well-being of people throughout Cornwall.

As a charitable organisation, we rely on your donations to support our mission and we strive to enhance our ability to provide grants for community and individual projects in Cornwall.

Registered Charity (1099977)
Registered Benevolent Society (4816191)


Fondyans Kemeneth Kernow (The Cornwall Community Foundation) a weres dhe gemenethow yn Kernow ha Syllan dre ri grontow byghan dhe gowethasow gwerinek, voward ha ledys gans bodhogyon, neb usi ow kul effeyth posedhek y’ga arlotteth, ow kweres fetha an chalenjys ma a anles, ekskludyans ha boghosogneth rag tus a bub oos.

Y’n vledhen 1999 bagas a skoodhyoryon a selyas an Trest Anserghek Kernow (The Cornwall Independent Trust), wosa aswon an edhom a ri lev dhe’n dus y’n gemeneth esa ow pewa yn-dann strivya, ha fondya fenten anserghek a arghasans rag omweres yn Kernow ha Syllan. Y’n vledhen 2003 an Arghas eth ha bos Fondyans Kemeneth Kernow (FKK), ow pesya gans an ober ma ha skoodhya ober dhe wellhe adhyskans, yeghes – ha korfek ha brysel; ha’n difres a voghosogneth ha kleves. FKK re ros £20m dhe’n gemeneth dres an 21 bledhen kyns, moy ages 8000 ragdres leel re dhegemeras les yn Kernow hag Enesek Syllan.

Avel fondyans, y’gan beus an konykter ha skians leel rag gweres riysi dhe skoodhya an kawsys leel hag alusennow yw a vri dhedha, may hallons gul effeyth strekys der aga donesonow. Ni a aswon maters yw posek dh’agan riysi hag a-barth dhedha y ren grontow byghan dhe gowethasow gwerinek, voward ha ledys gans bodhogyon – ow kul dyffrans gwir dhe vewnansow tus a-hys Kernow.

Avel kowethas anserghek ni a wra fydhya war agas donesonow dh’agan arghasa ha ni a bes displegya, mentena ha kressya agan gallos dhe ri grontow, rag bagasow kemenethek hag unigynnow yn Kernow.

Alusen govskrifys on ni (1099977)
Kowethas finwethys dre vewgh on ni (4816191)