Urgent appeal: Surviving Winter

2 Minute Foundation teaches young people about the environment

The 2 Minute Foundation, based at Bude, offers a unique learning & activity experience that empowers generations to take action against single-use plastic & make positive environmental choices.

In early summer 2022 Cornwall Community Foundation awarded a grant from the North Cornwall Fund and the Bude Fund towards the costs of a base for their Beach School activities – known as 'The Crab Shack'.

From the Crab Shack, The 2 Minute Foundation has:
  • given young people the environmental understanding they need to reduce single use plastic and take care of their local spaces.
  • undertaken 24 beach cleans with young people, each removing an average of 4.9kg of litter and plastic pollution.
  • 100% improvement was recorded across all age groups in their personal development skills and environmental responsibility.
"It makes me feel ashamed to be human." - 9 year old boy looking at microplastics in a rockpool "We pledge to look after the ocean by picking up litter, helping sea creatures and mother nature and using less plastic, especially single use." - pledge by the children in Ocean Protectors Club "I have made some new friends, everyone is great, and it is great to socialise with new people." - teenager at beach school "I like beach school because we socialise away from our phones." - 13 year old boy teenager at beach school teenager at beach school "Support from The North Cornwall Fund and Cornwall Community Foundation has made this possible, together working towards a world without litter or plastic pollution, where nature thrives." - Sarah Shaw - 2 Minute Foundation