Urgent: Cornwall's Housing Action Appeal
A Band of Brothers Cornwall

A Band of Brothers mentoring weekend runs with funding from the Commissioner’s Community Grant Scheme

Date awarded: Oct 2021
Grant amount:  £5,000
Grant programme: 

Commissioner’s Community Grant Scheme

A Band of Brothers Cornwall is a well-established charity providing mentoring programs for deprived, vulnerable young men including ex-offenders.

A £5,000 grant from the Commissioner’s Community Grant Scheme helped A Band of Brothers to run their Rite of Passage Wilderness Weekend mentoring sessions for thirty ex-offenders who were potentially at risk of offending again. The weekend workshops encouraged the men to learn more about themselves from older male mentors in a safe space, disconnected away from technology and any other distractions. The experience from the Rite of Passage workshops forged a healthy union between each young man, their mentors, and their community.

The grant facilitated the start of the men’s positive transformation and enabled the young men to make a fresh, positive start back into their communities. 

About the Fund

The Police and Crime Commissioner’s Community Grants Fund is part of the Police and Crime Plan 2021-2025.

The aim of the fund is to support safe, resilient and connected communities with a key focus on crime prevention initiatives to make community spaces safer and education and/or activities for people with drug and alcohol issues.

Since 2022 over £220,000 has been awarded to groups across Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.

For more information about A Band of Brothers Cornwall visit abandofbrothers.org.uk/get-involved/cornwall

If you are a community group looking for funding, please view our available grants: Applying for a grant – Cornwall Community Foundation

If you are looking to support the Cornwall Community Foundation with a donation, click here: Online payment – Cornwall Community Foundation