An Induction Hearing Loop system at Polruan Village Hall ensures all members of the community can access events.

The Community fund
Polruan Village Hall were able to install an Induction Loop Hearing System, allowing those with heading issue better accessibility to a number of local community groups and events.
Older people have a higher percentage of individuals who have hearing issues than the younger population. As a result, they can miss out on key pieces of information, and the chance to be in the loop in presentations and meetings. The Induction Hearing Loop has changes that.
Grant awarded & impact
In May 2023, having been awarded £1,300 from The Community FundA sum of money made available for grant making, often with specific criteria/conditions., Polruan Village Hall hired a local Cornish Company, Kernow Installations, to install an Induction Loop Hearing System.
The system is now used by most groups that meet in the hall, including a theatre club, film club, the Parish Council, and meetings of organisations like the RNLI and NCI.
The village of Poruan has one of the highest percentage of older residents in Cornwall. The installation and commissioning of the Hearing Loop System has given residents the ability to clearly hear information being shared while at the hall. They can now interact with and enjoy what they are hearing.
One local resident had not attended parish council meetings because of their poor hearing. With the loop in place, they were able to come along.
At the meeting they learnt about a planning application they would not have otherwise been aware of. Not only did this mean they could find out about this, but they could also raise the concerns they had.
About the fund
The Community Fund supports community groups and charities across Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly. Donations for the community fund come from various individual, corporate and statutory funders. If you are unsure where you would like your donation to go, the Community Fund is the perfect option.
For more information about Polruan Village Hall visit:
If you are a community group looking for funding, please view our available grants: Applying for a grant – Cornwall Community Foundation
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