Urgent appeal: Cornwall's Housing Action Fund

Build Back Better fund supports Treyla in Penzance 

Trelya provides positive interventions into the lives of the hardest to reach children and young people in and around Treneere, Penzance

They are a forefront organisation, delivering innovative, creative and sustained methods of work, improving children and young people’s life chances through the development of their life skills, motivations and aspirations. Trelya believes that high quality, proactive, preventative work can make an incredible difference to the futures of children at risk of social exclusion.

The child poverty rate in Penzance is 41% – on a par with parts of inner-city London, Birmingham and Manchester – compared to the national average of 25%, according to the Campaign to End Child Poverty. In Cornwall, 17 areas rank among the 10% most deprived areas in the UK and Treneere is the most deprived in the county. Since lockdown: Penzance has seen a rise of over 1000% in Universal Credit applications; The Office for National Statistics has predicted Cornish towns will be the worst hit nationally; 27% of all jobs across Cornwall are at risk and the tourism sector (largest employer of our young people) has already lost £630m.

Trelya took the decision to maintain service delivery throughout the pandemic due to the high levels of vulnerability experienced by the young people, children and families we support. 100% are facing financial hardship as a result of the crisis as well as one or more of the following issues: Domestic Violence; Child Safeguarding issues /social care involvement; poor mental health.

Their services included weekly telephone/message/video contacts with all of their children, young people and families including 1 to1 support, family, art, craft and sports activities, letters, home learning packs and created music videos and music packs. They also worked closely with other agencies, including social care and the police to ensure all of their children, young people and families could access the right support at the right time. This included working with allocated Social Workers re specific children. They additionally sent out appropriate information via Facebook page with information, advice and guidance.

Over lockdown Trelya delivered 1640 phone/video support sessions to over 50 children, young people and families including 1 to 1 support, family and individual activity sessions and group work.

Core funding from the Build Back Better Fund ensures Treyla can build on and expand their ‘Outstanding’ Early Years work by employing a highly skilled and experienced family worker who can implement Trelya’s unique approach to ensure some of West Cornwall’s most vulnerable families are supported to negate the negative impact of lockdown and are provided with real, life-changing opportunities to build positive futures and fulfil their potential.