Community engagement through skateboarding with Mount Hawke Youth & Community Skate Group

Police Property Act Fund
Mount Hawke Youth and Community Group are dedicated to promoting the benefits of skating and other leisure activities to the local community.
They are supporting young people who get to have fun, exercise, and focus on an activity that will help their mental and physical health. Those who get involved in sessions say they experience less stress, anxiety, and depression. Instead, they have more self-esteem and resilience.

Grant awarded & impact
The charity was awarded £3,500 from the Police Property Act FundA sum of money made available for grant making, often with specific criteria/conditions. in April 2023. This money went towards skateboard coaching for 16 to 17 year olds staying in a homeless hostel in Newquay.
The projectA piece of work that delivers an output. supported mostly young men who have been involved in drugs, alcohol and anti-social behaviour. Sometimes county lines. And those who are at high risk of falling back into these activities.
Many of those who joined the project carried on skating outside of their coaching sessions, attending additional free sessions provided by Mount Hawke, or visiting other free outdoor skateparks.

A young refugee who had never seen a skateboard in his life took part. He was buzzing just watching and took to the skateboard quickly, he was so excited he couldn’t stop smiling.
He improved very quickly and within a couple of sessions was attempting some basic moves on the ramp transitions and banks.
The joy seen on his face was amazing. His English was poor but Mount Hawke’s coach managed to communicate with him and even helped him order food at the café.

About the fund
The Police Property Act Fund is aimed at preventing rural crime and reducing anti-social behaviour in rural and coastal areas.
The funding has been made available from the Police (Property) Regulations which is a statutory requirement to deal with money and other property which comes into the possession of the Police in connection with criminal charges or which is handed in by members of the public.
For more information about Mount Hawke visit:
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