Urgent appeal: Cornwall's Housing Action Fund
Drama Express

Drama Express tour their production of Schools out at Sockley with a grant from the Clare Milne Fund

Date awarded: Feb 2024
Grant amount:  £2000
Grant programme: 

Claire Milne Fund

Drama Express bring together children and young people with additional needs through performing arts workshops.

Always keen to promote creativity, Drama Express worked with its cast members to write and produce a play. Based on the ‘Mr. FlannelFoot’ series by Cornish author Foz Foster, the project incorporated script writing, costume design, voice coaching, choreography, and so much more. Through workshops, members learnt different skills bringing all their learning together in their final performances which toured in fully accessible theatres across Cornwall.

Grant awarded & impact

The project was funded through a £2,000 from The Claire Milne Fund awarded in February 2024. With this funding they were able to bring their production of ‘Schools out at Sockley Hall’ to life. The project has given members the chance to build their confidence and wellbeing while strengthening their skills and talents.

The project showcased to local communities the benefits of including young people in arts-based organisations, especially those with complex additional support needs. Audiences who attended the Mr. FlannelFoot play spoke about the feel-good factor and determination of the performers.

Joseph has a significant sensory impairment, ADHD and epilepsy. He had shown interest in performing arts, however finding a group that would meet his complex needs was difficult.

Joseph was shy at first, but in the following weeks, his confidence grew and grew. He even actively requested to play a leading character in the production. Though nervous at first, Joseph was supported by the Drama Express team to bring the role he was playing to life.

About the fund

The Clare Milne Foundation was started by Lesley Milne, in memory of her daughter Clare. The Trust’s focus is to support people of all ages with a disability who live in Devon or Cornwall, to help them to live a full and active life, honouring Lesley’s wishes and keeping Clare’s memory alive.

The Trust does this by making grants to registered charities and not-for-profit organisations which work directly with people with disabilities who live in Devon or Cornwall.

Working with Cornwall Community Foundation the Clare Mile Foundation have awarded over £87,000 to support people with disabilities in Cornwall since 2010. This has funded small and well-run groups with strong support from volunteers.

For more information about Drama Express see drama-express.org

If you are a community group looking for funding, please view our available grants.

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