Urgent appeal: Cornwall's Housing Action Fund
The Old Bank

Funding helps The Old Bank, Camelford restore community food larder

The Old Bank, Camelford received £1,000 from the Cornwall Glass Fund, enabling the charity to replenish its community larder for 600 people. £18,000 from the Sedel Collings Foundation is funding essential electrical rewiring of the space which is being refurbished for safety purposes.

Camelford has one of the highest rates of child poverty in Cornwall with 40% of children living in poverty with the cost-of-living crisis, ever present in many households in the town.

A volunteer-led charity, The Old Bank in Camelford has seen membership of its community larder increase by 50% and reports that it is now supporting on average 100-150 households a week.

Thanks to a £1,000 grant from the Cornwall Glass Fund, The Old Bank community larder and hub has restocked its community larder with essential food items, hygiene products and pet food. It is estimated this funding will help 600 people in the Camelford area.

Though the Old Bank is currently closed for essential refurbishments, the team is providing emergency food to its community through its volunteering team. The charity is expected to reopen soon and will resume running a community larder for people who are unable to access food banks and are struggling to feed themselves and their families.

The team behind the charity is passionate about reducing food waste and ‘feeding bellies not bins’ whilst ensuring the project is sustainable for the community it serves in the long-term.

£18,000 from the Sedel Collings Foundation is funding essential electrical rewiring of the space which is being refurbished for safety purposes.

Once this work is done, The Old Bank we will be able to expand their current delivery and help more people. We look forward to revisiting the Old Bank when it reopens to see how the community space evolves.

For more information about the Old Bank, Camelford, see https://oldbank.org.uk/

If you are a community group looking for funding, please view our available grants: Applying for a grant – Cornwall Community Foundation

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