Urgent appeal: Cornwall's Housing Action Fund

Growing Links

Growing Links is a volunteer led, community education organisation providing skills, training, courses and activities in organic food production, garden design, healthy eating and nature education. Growing Links focuses on people with high needs, including individuals and families experiencing social- economic challenges, food poverty and homelessness.

One client, aged 27, has been part of Growing Links for 2 years. She had been long term unemployed and struggling with mental health issues. By becoming a community volunteer at the community food garden her confidence and social skills has mproved as she worked alongside other volunteers.

The Penwith and Isles of Scilly Fund invested £2,340 towards a project called ‘The Outdoor and Discovery Mentorship Programme’ to support teenagers experiencing mental health issues.

Growing Links has almost 50 regular volunteers and has supported over 200 people to gain skills enabling them to have a brighter more fulfilled future making an impact in the community either through volunteering, further education and/or employment.