Urgent appeal: Cornwall's Housing Action Fund

Safer Stronger Communities help 79 struggling households

Cornwall Community Foundation (CCF) were able to award a grant of £5,000 to Safer Stronger Communities via their Surviving Winter Fund to help struggling communities across Cornwall.

They awarded 54 grants averaging £185 to help with food, utilities and wider housing costs. This funding was awarded to households who were deemed higher risk due to disabilities, vulnerable people, elderly people and children.

Cornwall Council awarded CCF with £200,000 to be distributed to organisations like Safer Stronger Communities, and help communities who are struggling with the ongoing cost of living crisis.

Case study: Edward

Edward is a full time unpaid carer for his father and his mother, with whom Edward lives, who are both vulnerable and registered disabled respectively.

Despite his caring responsibilities Edward works part time voluntarily in a charity shop in St Austell. Edward has never claimed Universal Credit, partly due to a principled stance and partly due to the fact that he said he wouldn’t know how to.

CN4C has been working with Edward for some years developing his engagement in social activities and supporting him to apply for part timework and undertake courses. Edward recently said that there is very little heating in his house due to the high costs and it is so cold the family usually wear their coats at home.

The father also has to have a special diet which Edward has said can be quite costly and it must be prioritised over other things.

Edward said that this is: “An amazing fund that's been needed more thanever this year.”