Urgent appeal: Cornwall's Housing Action Fund
WILD Young Parents

WILD launch a steering for young parents with a grant from the Integrated Care Board Health Improvement Fund.

Date awarded: Mar 2023
Grant amount:  £9,997.60
Grant programme: 

Commissioners Community Grant Scheme

WILD Young Parents work across Cornwall, striving for a fair start for young parent families.  

In March 2023 WILD were awarded £9,997.60 from the ICB Health and Wellbeing Fund. The grant was used to establish WILD Voices, a parent steering group formed of 10 volunteers.  

WILD VOICES has given young parents the chance to become a peer mentor to other young parents, and ensure their voice is represented across Cornwall to inform service and policy design.  

One parent, James, was reluctant, saying he lacked confidence in himself and in being a dad. He felt connecting with his baby had been difficult and was afraid that others would judge him. He was worried about being a parent without his partner. It took him months to attend and join a group. 

James is now a part of WILD Voices. He wants other parents to have the opportunity to realise their potential and overcome barriers to participation. Wanting to make a difference to other young parent families, James has become a leading force; communicating with the team and organising meetings. 

About the fund 

The VCSE Health Improvement Fund forms part of the broader NHS Cornwall & Isles of Scilly Integrated Care Board (ICB) funding being led & managed by Cornwall Voluntary Sector Forum.   

The overarching principle of this fund is to enable VCSE organisations to sustain, maintain and enhance their services to improve health and wellbeing outcomes for people and communities in Cornwall, evidencing its collective potential to reduce health inequalities.    

The 10-year strategy for the ICB aims to ensure people in Cornwall can Start Well, Live Well and Age Well. We know that 12.4% of Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly’s population live in the 20% most deprived areas in England and organisations operating within these areas were encouraged to apply.   

For more information about WILD Young Parents see https://www.wildproject.org.uk/ 

If you are a community group looking for funding, please view our available grants

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