Urgent appeal: Cornwall's Housing Action Fund

By submitting your grant application, you confirm:

  • that the information provided by you is true & accurate to the best of your knowledge;
  • that you are authorised to provide this on behalf of your group or organisation; and
  • that you agree to the terms and conditions as set out below:


If awarded a grant, the following conditions apply:

  • You agree to spend the funds granted on the items and for the purpose(s) as outlined in your funding application, and within 12 months of receipt unless otherwise agreed.
  • Where you have not received the total amount requested or required for a project, that you are able to proceed with the activity as described with the amount granted (+ any other funding received from other sources, as noted in your application).
  • You will inform Cornwall Community Foundation (CCF) of any changes affecting your ability to deliver the project as described in your application. Amendments & variations can, and wherever possible, will be accommodated but these must be agreed in writing, in advance, with a member of the CCF Grants Team.
  • You will inform CCF of any change(s) to your main contact’s details.
  • You confirm that your organisation / group has a governing body of at least 3 individuals who are unrelated
  • You confirm that your group / organisation holds a bank account in the group / organisation name and that a minimum of 2 x people who are unrelated, are required to approve withdrawals and transactions.
  • You consent to CCF (or its appointed agent) contacting you by email, telephone or letter, regarding your application and any grant offered or awarded.
  • You confirm that you have the relevant & required Safeguarding; Equal Opportunities; Health and Safety; Risk Assessment and Insurance policies in place.
  • You understand that if you work with children and young people or vulnerable adults, you must have a Disclosure and Barring Service Policy and that the relevant DBS checks are / will be carried out for all relevant staff and/or volunteers.
  • Where a grant covers or contributes to the cost of employing staff, you confirm that your group / organisation [will] complie/s with all relevant employment legislation and associated equal opportunities and employment guidelines & good practice.
  • You confirm that anyone delivering a professional service (eg counsellor) as part of your project, is appropriately qualified, registered & insured to do so.
  • You understand that you cannot not use any grant funding awarded for goods or services already ordered or purchased prior to the grant being awarded.
  • You will maintain accurate financial records of grant expenditure, including receipts & invoices, for a period of at least 7 years, in accordance with standard accounting practice. These will be made available to CCF on request.
  • You agree to participate in monitoring and evaluation, and provide an End of Grant report and feedback, when requested.
  • You understand that you will not be able to apply for any further grants from CCF whilst you have any monitoring and evaluation requested and outstanding.
  • Details of any grant awarded will be made publicly available for reporting and publicity purposes.
  • Personal, individual information will not be shared – please see our Privacy notice for further details.
  • You agree to acknowledge & publicise the funding awarded from Cornwall Community Foundation and any grant programme funder by including their logos in your promotional publicity & social media, eg in a newsletter; press releases or on your website. If requested, you will provide CCF copies of relevant photos and press publicity which CCF may use.
  • If an offer of a grant is conditional on the provision of additional information, this must be provided within two weeks of the offer of grant. After 2 weeks, the offer may be withdrawn if the additional information has not been received.
  • CCF reserves the right to seek repayment of any grant if:
    • the grant is not (able to be) spent as intended and agreed;
    • where it transpires that false or mis-leading information has been provided in an application and/or the group or organisation has acted dishonestly;
    • the group or organisation becomes insolvent; goes into administration, receivership or liquidation; or is otherwise dissolved.

Get support applying today

If you aren’t sure if one of our grants is right for you, you can call our Community Outreach Officer. They can answer your questions and guide you through the process.