Urgent appeal: Cornwall's Housing Action Fund

Urgent Appeal: Surviving Winter

Urgent Appeal: Surviving Winter

The Annual Surviving Winter appeal helps people across Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly stay warm and well each winter.

Providing support
where it is needed most

Each winter many people in our communities face bleak and challenging times.

The additional costs of heating puts a significant added burden on individuals and families who are already financially stretched to their limit. We know from our work with groups supporting communities across Cornwall that this forces people into making heartbreaking choices, sometimes between eating sufficiently or heating their homes.

The case for support

In Cornwall fuel poverty affects 15.4% of all households (40,355 homes). 

On the Isles of Scilly 18% (179 homes) are affected by fuel poverty

Heating costs for old/rural housing is around 20% higher than the UK average.

3.5% of homes in Cornwall do not have central heating (2021 Census).

Providing support through grants to those most in need

There are hundreds of community groups across Cornwall and The Isles of Scilly who will work with us to distribute Surviving Winter grants to ensure that the most vulnerable are supported and that no one is having to go without basic needs.

“The difference this grant has made to the lives of beneficiaries is massive. For our project users without access to money for food & warmth, it is the difference between being cold and hungry, and going to bed with a meal inside you. There is no more basic need than this grant fulfils.”


“All our customers are on an extremely low income, with the majority on benefits. They are all finding it increasingly difficult to afford the necessities of food and energy. Being able to help them with this has made a huge difference as they then haven’t had to choose between one or the other.”

LiveWest Homes Limited