In this guide you'll learn how to add and edit business member profiles on the website.
1. From the WordPress dashboard navigate to "Business Members"
2. From this page, you can manage, edit and add new Business Members to the website.
To edit a member profile, find it within the list, and click the title. You can also use the search field to quickly search the list.
3. Click "Add New Business Member" to add a new business member profile.
4. From the editor, there are a few things you need to add.
Title: Add the business name
Content area: Here you can add a bio and images about the business
Member since: What year did they join?
Contact Name: Who is the lead contact for the business?
Website: Add a link to the business website
Image: Add the company logo
5. Here you can see some details have been added.
6. Now let's add the website. Click "Select Link"
7. Type ""
8. Add the website URL, then copy this to the link text field too. We suggest removing Https:// as it looks cleaner on the front end.
9. Make sure you tick the "Open link in a new tab" field.
10. Click "Add link" to save the link.
11. Now let's add the business logo.
Make sure you are on the business member tab in the right sidebar.
12. Click "Set featured image"
13. If you haven't done so already, use the Figma Temaplte to create a new Business Member Featured Image.
Once you have uploaded it to the website, find it within the media library and select it.
14. Click "Set featured image"
15. Click "Publish" to save this profile.
All published business member's will automatically be added to the Business Member directory on the website.