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Police & Crime Commissioner’s Community Grants open for applications

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About the Fund   The Police & Crime Commissioner’s (PCC) Community Grants Programme is aimed at supporting community groups and organisations whose work aligns with the commissioning intentions of the Police & Crime Plan 2021-25  The overarching aim of the Police & Crime Plan is to support safe, resilient & connected communities, and it outlines five priorities as key to achieving this.  For 2024, the Commissioner’s Community Grants fund will focus particularly on: 
  • Crime Prevention initiatives to make community spaces safer.
  • Projects focusing on offering education and/or purposeful activities for people with anti-social drug and alcohol issues.
Applications addressing the remaining themes of violence and road safety can be considered, however, projects that already receive funding from the OPCC (Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner) for example, through the Serious Violence Prevention Programme or Vision Zero, cannot also be considered under this programme.  Applications are invited from small – medium sized voluntary, community & social enterprise (VCSE) groups & organisations in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, for work or projects that address one or more of the key priority issues and align with the Commissioner’s aims.   Funding for core organisational costs will be considered where the mission & work of the organisation as a whole aligns with one or more of the priority themes.   The OPCC is keen to support organisations who may be facing challenges related to the cost-of-living crisis and where they may be experiencing the ‘triple whammy’ of increased running costs, increased demand and a reduction in funding.  Where an applicant group or organisation has broader aims & purpose(s) but wishes to undertake an activity or project that fits the fund priorities, applications can be submitted for full or partial project costs All applications should demonstrate how the organisation or project benefits local communities and include details of how the organisation or project will be sustained or developed beyond the grant period.  New applicants and previous grantees are welcome to apply although funding should not be sought to complete work that has already been funded by the OPCC.  Grants will be awarded up to a maximum of £5,000.   Grants will need to be spent within 12 months of receipt, and End of Grant reports & feedback must be provided within 3 months of the end of the grant period.   Application Criteria  To be considered for funding, applications must: 
  • Be from an eligible group or organisation (see Eligibility to Apply below) 
  • Detail how the organisation’s work or project addresses one or more of the priorities and supports safe, resilient & connected communities. 
  • Detail how the work or project will benefit individuals, any identified population groups and the local community. 
  • Explain how the organisation’s work or project will be sustained beyond the grant period. 
  • Detail costs & expenses to be covered by the grant, whether core or project costs 
  Application Timeline  Deadline for applications is: 22nd July 2024.  The Panel will meet in August and we will aim to inform applicants of the outcomes following this.    Application Form  CLICK HERE TO APPLY. to be updated   Eligibility to Apply  Applications can be considered from not-for-profit community groups, organisations or social enterprises operating in Cornwall. You don’t need to be a registered charity, but your activities must be considered charitable, and you must have the following: 
  • A recognised governing document e.g. Constitution, Articles which outlines the organisation’s objectives, and it must have a Dissolution Clause
  • A minimum of three unrelated members on your Management Committee or Board of Trustees. If you are a registered charity, your trustees should be registered with the Charity Commission. 
  • If you are working with children and/or people at risk, you must have a Safeguarding Policy in place. This should include your Safeguarding Officer’s name/s and contact details and information on the training that staff / volunteers undertake. 
  • Up to date annual accounts for your organisation or group.  
  • A bank account in the organisation or group’s name which requires two unrelated signatories for all withdrawals. 
  • Current, relevant insurance policies. 
For further information about who can and cannot apply for grant funding from CCF, and answers to other FAQs, please see our webpage here: Frequently Asked Questions - Cornwall Community Foundation  Any queries about the Fund or application process should be directed to grants@cornwallfoundation.com.