Urgent appeal: Cornwall's Housing Action Fund

The Business Club is a group of like-minded businesses who take an active approach to social responsibility. Members’ annual fees are pooled together and grants are awarded to local community projects.

  • Each business member donates a minimum of £1500 annually. This can be paid in one lump sum, or split into quarterly or monthly instalments.
  • This amount is pro-rata when businesses join part way through the year.

Shape the future of your community

Business Club members vote annually on the causes that grant funding will focus on for the calendar year. Twice a year they are invited to sit on the grants panel to decide on the projects which will be funded.

Members can also visit projects, or take part in volunteering opportunities with their staff.

Connect with like minded local businesses

The Business Club is a network of like-minded philanthropic businesses from across Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly. Our members meet for quarterly breakfasts and are invited to all of our CCF events.

We are proud to be longstanding members of the Cornwall Community Foundation’s Business Club. We appreciate playing an active role in this powerful and well-run initiative, and the opportunity to help effect real change in our community by harnessing support from across Cornwall’s business network. The Club is also a positive networking tool, bringing together professionals from a diverse range of sectors, which we really appreciate.

Mike Pennington - Head of Savills Cornwall

Benefits of business giving through the Foundation:

Business Club members are invited to vote on the criteria for the fund annually.
The fund is open for applications twice a year and members are invited to join the panel to review applications and decide on grants awarded.

We know that businesses can be inundated with requests to support different causes. As a member of the CCF Business Club you can divert all requests to us and we can advise groups on grants available and how to apply.

We regularly organise member visits to projects which have received Business Club grants.
We are also able to set up volunteering opportunities for your staff.

We host quarterly Business Club breakfasts where members meet to network and hear from groups their funding has supported.

Members receive regular updates via our newsletter and are invited to a variety of events throughout the year including our space at The Tregothnan Stand at The Royal Cornwall Show.

All of our members are listed on our website and we welcome member’s using our logo across their marketing and comms to show their support.
We can also arrange press releases and cheque presentations if you would like.

Join the Business Club

You will be joining a group of like-minded businesses, committed to making positive changes to the communities in which they work and live.

Each business member donates a minimum of £1500 annually. This can be paid in one lump sum, or split into quarterly or monthly instalments.

The Business Club is an annual membership which runs from January to December, with invoices being issued in January. If you are joining part way through the year, please select your preferred payment split and amount. Payment will be taken immediately, and an invoice will be issued for your records shortly.

If you would like to talk to us about joining, please contact our Development Director tamara@cornwallcommunityfoundation.com

Membership questions, answered

You can join online and pay:

  • by debit/credit card
  • via a monthly or annual direct debit

If you would prefer not to pay online a cheque, postal order or CAF voucher made payable to ‘Cornwall Community Foundation’ can be sent to FREEPOST Cornwall Community Foundation or you can contact us directly for BACs payment bank details.

Please get in touch if you have any questions about making a donation. Email our team office@cornwallfoundation.com or call 01566 779333.

Business Club donations go into the CCF Business Club fund. At the beginning of each year members are invited to vote for the Business Club Fund criteria for the year ahead.

Twice annually the fund is opened for applications. Applications are assessed and due diligence completed by the CCF Grants Team. After which all business Club members are invited to attend a panel meeting where assessed applications are presented and members are able to decide where grants are allocated.

Absolutely. Several times a year we arrange Seeing is Believing events where we invite members to visit and hear from a number of projects at one event. If there are other projects you would like to visit or perhaps volunteer for let us know. Many projects have regular volunteer sessions and would be happy to welcome Business Club members and their staff.

We complete an impact report for all our funds and distribute it to relevant members annually.

We also invite project speakers to our quarterly breakfasts and members are sent regular updates keeping them up to date with news from across the foundation, projects supported and upcoming events.

You can also follow us on social media to keep up to date with news and events from us and the projects supported.

Speak to the business team

If you want to find out more about the CCF Business Club, or join us at event to meet other members, please contact Tamara.

Tamara Sherston-Baker

Development Director