Urgent appeal: Cornwall's Housing Action Fund
The Bal Maiden Musical project

The community come together for the Bal Maiden Musical Project in Falmouth.

Date awarded: May 2023
Grant amount:  £1,732
Grant programme: 

The Community Fund

The Bal Maiden Musical project has shown the local community what can be achieved by amateur performers, raising confidence and improving wellbeing.

The Cobb Riddle and Spall company are producing a new musical with community at its heart. Telling the story of Cornish women in mining while bringing together talented local performers, this project celebrates community both past and present.

Grant awarded & impact

In May 2023, The Community Fund awarded £1,732 to Cobb Riddle and Spall Musical Theatre Community Interest Fund. The resulting production tells the story of the Bal Maidens, young women who worked at mines in Cornwall and Devon. They were feisty and determined, contributing to family finances before getting married and settling down.

One of the participants who performed as a Bal Maiden in the chorus had never acted or sung before – in a musical or on stage. At the beginning of the rehearsal process, she was very nervous and worried about her participation, she felt she wasn’t capable.

As rehearsals progressed, she because more and more confident and really shone when it came to the performances.

In her husband’s words “this experience has taken 20 years off her life, she is as youthful in spirit as when we first met!”

About the fund

The Community Fund supports community groups and charities across Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly. Donations for the community fund come from various individual, corporate and statutory funders. If you are unsure where you would like your donation to go, the Community Fund is the perfect option.

For more information about Cobb Riddle and the Bal Maiden Musical see: https://balmaidenmusical.org.uk/

If you are a community group looking for funding, please view our available grants: Applying for a grant – Cornwall Community Foundation

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