Urgent appeal: Cornwall's Housing Action Fund
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Great Western Railway and CCF invite grant applications to support job seekers.

The new fund, established by the CCF, and supported by GWR, is open to Cornwall based community groups, charities and social enterprises, to provide opportunities to support long-term unemployed people to fulfil their potential.

This fund wishes to make a life changing impact for job seekers by helping them to develop new skills, build their confidence and help with work placements. Recent research has revealed that Cornwall’s unemployment rate of 3.2% is lower than the national average, but the low unemployment rate hides the fact that a large percentage of the jobs in Cornwall are seasonal, part-time and low-paid. The number of unemployed people in Cornwall is 9,000. (ONS, Mar 2018)

GWR Business Assurance Director Joe Graham said, “GWR is committed to the communities it serves and this includes helping people find meaningful employment. We work with job centres and also offer discounted travel to job-seekers. This additional community investment will help community projects in Cornwall to support the long-term unemployed.”

Flashlight St Ives was awarded £3,000 by the Cornwall Community Foundation to provide educational and work opportunities for young people with the aim of encouraging and inspiring them to achieve their full potential. Through working together disadvantaged young people develop teamwork skills. Their members also undertake food hygiene training which enhances their CVs and  employability. Flashlight has developed relationships with local businesses who offer employment opportunities to young people who are ready to work.

An application to this fund must be made by an organisation for the benefit of any long-term unemployed resident in Cornwall or the Isles of Scilly or in support of a project. To apply for funding go to